It's been a while since I last gave an update, so here goes....
We've been canning and freezing beans. We have been eating lots of lettuce and cucumber (and sharing a lot, because there's so much growing all the time). The zucchini is finally coming in and I don't think we'll have very many more sweet peas this year. They were good while they lasted!
As for the tomatoes, they are doing well. Even though they got a late start, we're hoping that these beauties will ripen before the weather changes.
How have you been enjoying the fruits of your labor? It's hard work, but oh, so worth it! Happy harvesting! :)
I have a perfect place to start a garden next year, but am not sure I'm up for it. It's a lot of work to plant, weed, pick and then either can (which I've never done) or freeze. To top it all off, how much can one person eat. It would be nice to have a little to eat during the summer though. We'll have to see. Next summer is going to be landscaping summer, so I may have to wait till the following one.
You're right, Erin. It is a lot of work. And I agree with you on how much a person can eat. It's been challenging with the two of us. We just share a lot and try to eat up or freeze as much as we can. Q has done most of the work. I don't think I could do it all by myself, but he loves being out there. Then, I get to help harvest, clean, and cook!
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