Sunday, June 6, 2010

My New Toy

While Q was at work on Saturday, he gave me a call and said that he had a big surprise for me. I couldn't figure it out after I hung up the phone. Before we went to sleep, he asked me if I was excited about it. I told him I was, then asked him for a hint. He said it had the word white in its name. Then I knew what it was because it's something that has been on my wish list for a while. 

Take a look at my new toy....

He found this White brand serger on Craigslist and called on it immediately. We picked it up this afternoon from a lady in a nearby town. It is a 95' model, but it has never been used. She asked $75 for it and I think we got a GREAT deal!

Now, if only I could learn to use this thing, then we'll be in good shape. I'm so excited! 

So thankful that Q surprised me with this...what a sweet guy.


  1. Wow! What a great surprise! You know who you can call for help with it, don't you? Praise the Lord!

  2. Woohoo!!!! Congratulations! That is a very cool new toy. If you can find a class or even a person who has a model similar to yours to go over things with you, I would definitely do that. Threading is a pain when you know how to do it, but I can't imagine doing it without some 'tricks' I was shown to do when I got mine. That is a great gift!

  3. Thanks, ladies. I'm soooo excited!

  4. Wow that's awesome!!! Enjoy and happy sewing ;D

  5. No way, that is SUPER!!! That will be very useful and fun!! Wow, what a good hubby!!

  6. Yes, Abigail, he is a good hubby!:)

  7. very cool. you will have to show us what you make with it.

  8. Janelle, I will definitely show you what I make with it first. I've got a couple of ideas in my head right now!:)


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