Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Reading at the Library

Have you enrolled yourself or your kids for the summer reading program at your local library? If not, do so right away! While some programs are just for kids and teens, some add one in for the adults. Q and I have both signed up for it...after all, we read anyway and we may be rewarded for doing so. There is a weekly drawing for our program, but the kids can earn lots of neat prizes like books and a ticket to an amusement park in Denver. Keeping them reading through the summer is an awesome way to increase their skills and get them ready for the next school year.

After volunteering this past school year doing story times at a preschool, I decided to be a volunteer for this program, too. I go in every Monday afternoon and sit at the desk ready to sign people up and award prizes. I love interacting with others in my community, especially the kids. 

Volunteering there has one perk that I really look forward to....

I get to choose a drink from the coffee shop each time I go in. Since I don't drink coffee, I get a smoothie. This one is a mango-peach mix and I love it! I want to try different combos during the summer. 

What do you enjoy about the summer reading program at your local library? I'd love to hear your stories! Happy reading...

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like fun and wow that smoothie looks great!! Hard to believe it is almost summer Blessings Heather ;D


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