Saturday, June 5, 2010

Spring cleaning: Our bedroom

Another room is done--our bedroom. We're almost done with spring cleaning the entire house and I'm really excited!

Here's what was done in our bedroom:

1. All the furniture was thoroughly dusted.
2. Q and I sorted through all our clothes and got rid of what doesn't fit or what we don't wear anymore. There are two large bags ready to go to the local thrift store.
3. The vanity drawers were cleaned and lined with contact paper.
4. I moved Q's folded clothes from the family room to the built-in vanity drawers in our room.
5. All the drawers and the closet were reorganized.
6. I got caught up with ironing and now all of Q's shirts are looking good!
7. I decorated our walls with pictures.
8. Storage under our bed was organized.
9. The window and mirrors were cleaned.
10. The floor was vacuumed.
The closet looks so much neater than before. Getting rid of clothes we didn't wear anymore has streamlined our wardrobes.

These vinyl letters were found at the dollar store a while back. I'm glad I was able to finally use them on one of our walls.

I found this small plaque at Target on clearance for just a couple dollars. It says, "Love is not about who you live with...It's about who you can't live without." I framed a few pictures of the two of us and placed them around it. I also have pictures of us on our dressers and on the walls next to our bed. Every time I look at the pictures I'm reminded of the wonderful marriage God's given us.

The last part of my spring cleaning will be done soon--hurray! It's time to start enjoying the summer outside.:)


  1. Love the lettering very nice!! Your home looks wonderful ~Blessings Heather ;D

  2. I just started my spring cleaning. I got the playroom and the kids bedroom and closet done and that was a BIG job! I worked on one bedside table in my room today. It is slowly being accomplished!!

    Your house does look great!

  3. I love how your bedroom turned out. It's beautiful!

  4. very nice. - i love being organized, but it is unattainable at this point in my life. (but so worth it.)


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