Sunday, December 12, 2010

A party invitation

Last week, I mailed off a card to each of the Sunday School girls inviting them to a special party. Keeping with a wintery theme, this is what I came up with...

First, I cut a blank note card in half. I used a cotton ball to sponge paint the card to make a blue sky. Then using a small snowflake stamp, I covered the card in blue and silver snowflakes. Lastly, I wrote "Let it snow" with a black pen.

On the back side, I wrote the details about our decorating party. You see, I've invited the girls to help me decorate for our annual Christmas party which is next Sunday. When we're done, we'll enjoy some hot chocolate and cookies.

On the envelope, I stamped blue and silver snowflakes on one side. Then, off the cards went and arrived in the hands of these special gals. I hope they can all make it to the party. It will be lots of fun!

By the way, I'll keep the details of our decorating a secret for now...don't want to ruin the surprise for those of you who go to my church. ;)

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