Friday, December 10, 2010


Just wanted to share great news with you all....

Today we are certified foster parents!

So what does this mean? Well, it means that we completed all of the requirements for becoming foster parents in the state of Colorado. The last thing on our checklist took place yesterday with our CPR/first aid class. From the time we first met with the agency to now, it has taken us less than four months. Yes, it has gone really fast, but we are so thankful.

It also means that any time now we can get a call from the agency asking us if we would like to take in a young child. It would be awesome to have someone by Christmas, but if not, we will wait for the right child (or children) to come along. Then, as parental rights are terminated, we will pursue adoption as soon as possible and make them a part of our family.

Will you pray with us regarding the child(ren) placed in our home? Of course, we will let you all know when that happens, so stay tuned!:)


  1. Congratulations, I'm so excited for you both. Sending prayers for God will to be done in His timing.

  2. Wow, Theo. What an answer to prayer! I will pray for the Lord to guide the children He intends for you to minister to. He can do such great things through people like you both who are willing to serve. How exciting!

  3. Yay! So exciting! Definitely will be praying for you!

  4. Wooo, Hoo! Can't wait for THE PHONE CALL! I Will continue to pray!


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