Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Worry Dolls

The Sunday School girls had a fun time making their own worry doll. Before giving them instructions, I showed them the one I made:

I also told them about what people do with the worry dolls. There is usually six of them in a small pouch and before bed, they are taken out so that the individual can tell their worries to them. If one of them is gone by morning, then that worry will be taken care of.

I asked them if this is something that can really happen. God is the one who can take care of our problems. I read the verse, "Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you" (I Peter 5:7). I told them that God cares about each one of them and knows all about them, too. One of my favorite verses about resting in the Lord is found in Psalm 4:8. I shared this verse with them, too. It says, "I will both lay me down in peace, and sleep: for thou, Lord, only makest me dwell in safety." When we pillow our heads at the end of a long (and sometimes stressful) day, we can know that God is with us.

The directions I have for making these dolls came from DMC, a company dedicated to all things embroidery. When I looked at their website, they don't have this information anymore. So, I found another blog that has really good directions so that you can make your own worry dolls and help some kids do this as well. Go here and have some fun!:)

Before the girls went home that day, they had fun "posing" their dolls.... to a Pepsi lip balm....

...and at the farm! Too cute...

Q joked around with the girls and asked if they could make one that looked like the "Pastor Johnson" doll. Of course, we didn't have time, so I made this one after the girls left. Q really liked the glasses! Everything was made with the embroidery floss except for the collar on his shirt (it was made with white felt). The only thing I didn't do was give him a beard. Oh well...

Have some fun making these worry dolls. They can be pretty addicting! ;)

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