Monday, October 4, 2010

Sunday School girls party

Yesterday, we had the Sunday School girls at our place for a fun time together. After the morning service, the girls walked over and we began our first activity--painting figurines!

I found the cute figurines at Hobby Lobby. Almost all of them had a phrase on them like "Jesus Loves Me" or "WWJD." The girls really liked this activity while my husband got lunch ready for us.

We had home made pizza, chips, grapes and s'mores bars for dessert. I don't know how they managed to do it, but both pizzas, the bowl of grapes and most of the chips were gone by the time lunch was over.

The last activity I planned was to make worry dolls out of toothpicks and embroidery floss. Before starting, I gave a devotional and explained the origin of these dolls (I'll give more details on this in my next post).

These took some time, but at the end, they were delighted with their dolls. Take a look at them all lined up in a row...

Pretty cute, eh?

Zann, the other Sunday School teacher, helped me do these activities with the girls. We all had a super time together. I asked them if they would like to do something like this again, and they all yelled out a big "YES!"

Doing activities like this will build relationships with not only the girls, but their families as well. I'm looking forward to doing this again in the near future.:)

Next up...more details on the worry dolls. You'll love em'!


  1. It looks like a good time was had by all! I love parties like those. :)

  2. That looks like it was a great time!


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