Sunday, September 12, 2010

The Weight Loss Competition--final update

Well, the competition is over, but I'm still striving to be healthy by exercising and eating well. We started this back in January and it officially ended on Labor Day. Neither of us lost a lot of weight, but because of my consistency and determination, Q awarded me with an honorable mention award.

I've had some ups and downs with my health, but I have still kept at it, even if it was just a walk instead of a rigorous aerobic workout. My ectopic pregnancy was a hard thing to both physically and emotionally overcome, but I went back to my exercise routine within a few weeks. I've recently have had some other health challenges (if you think of it, pray for me as I'm currently getting help from my doctor), but I'm going to try my best to keep a balanced life of eating well and exercising.

With the different exercise routines I've done, I've gained some muscle and have lost some inches. Q and I have both noticed the change--just wish I could actually lose more weight! Here is my first "before" picture....

Gillian Michaels' The 30-Day Shred is one of the work outs I've been doing. It is tough, but I'm liking the results and the way I feel each day!

Q awarded me with some cash and I've got some plans for it. I'd like to get a nice church dress and some shoes. I've already spent a small amount on some lovely fabrics from Joann's. They had a sale on their Red Tag fabrics, so I didn't spend too much on these finds:

The top print is polyester and is a simple cartoon design (perhaps will make a cute tote bag?). The middle one is my favorite--do I see an apron or skirt coming out of that one? The bottom floral print is a mix of green, blue, white and brown. I'm already thinking of what I want to do, but I've got to keep it a secret for now.;)

I also bought a bias tape maker (also on sale) which I've wanted for a long time!

Now I'm on the hunt for a new outfit--can't wait to find the right one.

Thanks to Q for my cash prize! And I'll keep plugging away on being as healthy as I can be. If you ever feel like giving up on your goals, don't! Remember this verse: "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13

You CAN do it!


  1. Good Luck as you continue on if I have learned anything this year in the process of losing weight and getting in shape it is just that a process it never really ends at any set point....but really just continues as you learn better and more healthier ways to take care of yourself...~Praying for you and your health issues...~Love Heather

  2. I keep plugging away as well. When I moved into my house I spent so much time painting and working on the house that I let my workouts slip. I've been getting back into the routine the past month and can start to feel a difference.


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