Friday, September 10, 2010

I made it!

I've got some BIG NEWS!!

Just wanted to tell you all that I made it into the Longmont Singers group--yahoo! I'm really excited to be a part of this smaller group that will get to perform a few extra concerts during the year. I'm thankful that God has opened this opportunity for me.

When I went to the first rehearsal for the main chorale, I found out that I needed an outfit that consisted of a long-sleeved black blouse and a floor-length black skirt. Thankfully, I recently bought the right skirt at the local thrift store for 99 cents! I've been on the hunt for the right blouse, and today, I found one for eight dollars at another thrift/consignment shop. For under ten dollars, I've got a new choir outfit....

Now, all I've got to do is learn all the songs.:) It's going to be a lot of fun and I can't wait!


  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I had a pretty certain feeling that God would open this door for you! What a great way to make contacts! You will love it! Am praying for you!


  2. How fun!!!! I just posted about sining on my blog too! I'm so glad you are able to join the group.

  3. Congratulations!! happy singing ~Heather


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