Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Quest for Character

The book, The Quest for Character, by Charles Swindoll, is a great book of encouragement. Even though I've read the book before, it still made an impact in my heart. In today's society, there is so much out there to look just right, to own what everyone else has, and to be in the know about entertainment. But that's not what God sees as important. We must know God's Word and make wise decisions based upon what is right. Building godly character in our lives is far more important than any movie or pop star. 

The author divides the book into two sections: "guard your heart" and "give your heart." Each chapter focuses on a different character quality and gives a passage of Scripture to read. Great story examples are woven throughout, giving the reader better understanding of the topic for that chapter.

This book is a good one to add for your daily quiet time. I highly recommend it, as it is one of my favorite devotional books. 

Godly character is so important in our Christian lives. Let's live it today.

What book have you read recently that was an encouragement to your heart? I'd love to hear about it!:)

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