Thursday, April 15, 2010


Tuesday morning was busy as I got ready, had a nice brunch with Q and headed to the airport. I said good bye to my Q and proceeded with checking in to board the plane.

I've been in California for about two days now and it's been great visiting with family. I came to be a part of my nephew's first birthday. My sister knew I was coming, but my parents did not. We came up with a fun way to surprise them. My sister, Raquel, picked me up with the birthday boy, Eli, whom I had never seen in person til' now. I posed with Eli for a quick camera picture and sent it to my mom. A couple hours later, my mom called Raquel and was a bit confused as to what the picture was. Raquel told her that perhaps I photo shopped it. It was hard not to laugh in the background. A few minutes passed and mom was still not sure until I got on the phone and said, "Hi Mom!" We surprised my dad later when Raquel's older two kids and I hid in the closet and he went looking for them. We all screamed when he opened the door. It was so funny!

After Eli's party on Sunday, I'll be going to Monterey to spend a few days with Q's sister and her family. I'm so excited to be spending time with them, too. She also has an almost-one-year-old who I haven't met yet, so it's going to be fun getting to know Carson.

So, while I'm here, feel free to look around my blog...I won't be posting again until I get home next week. I'll show you all pictures when I return. I miss my Q, but I'm glad he let me come out here. Talk to you all soon...


  1. Beautiful post. God bless you. I also welcome you to my post at God bless you for passing by and being a follower.

  2. Aww have fun Theo! Love that you hid in the closet to surprise your dad. Sounds like fun.


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