Thursday, April 22, 2010

I'm back!;)

Just wanted to let you all know that I returned safely from my trip to CA early this morning. I had a great time with family, but I'm also glad to be back home with my Q. As I started walking to the baggage claim, he met me with a pot of purple hyacinths. When we arrived home, I noticed a spotless house, including all the dishes put away and the laundry done. What a sweet guy....

We both slept in and I've taken my time unpacking and doing laundry. I even showed Q most of the pictures and videos of our seven nephews and nieces before he left for work. I'll be showing you a lot of those pictures in the days ahead. They include quite a few fun crafts and activities that I did with my favorite kiddos.;)

Stay tuned...


  1. So glad you got to go and so glad you're back! Was thrilled to get to see you at the Retreat. Your love for the Lord is a delight to my heart.

  2. Welcome back,Theo! I've continued to check here to see if you're back. I'm looking forward to reading about and "seeing" your trip. :-)

  3. Thanks for your sweet comments, ladies.:) I appreciate you both!


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