Monday, March 22, 2010

Spring cleaning has begun...

We've just begun a new season, and I'm excited, aren't you? It's a time when we see new life and enjoy the sunshiny weather...or perhaps something like this:

Did any of you have some snow this past weekend? It was quite the site to see this on the first day of spring! It's mostly gone now as it was warmer outside today. 

I also like the motivation spring gives me to get some much needed projects done around the house. To get started, I made a list for each room on a separate index card then put them all together on a ring. There are some things that are specifically mine to do or for Q to do. The rest are things for us to work on together. The goal is to get one room done a week. Although we've been here for six months, I really want to feel like we're finally settled by finishing the decorating and organizing in each room.

I've already been able to get a few things done, even ones that aren't necessarily on a list--like putting out these bird feeders. We didn't have much success at our other place with these, so we'll see what happens. I may have to place them elsewhere to attract birds if the front porch doesn't do it.

I've also repaired some clothing, gone through my magazine stash, sorted through the freezer and am planning out the garden with Q--all while working on the room for the week! I'm highly motivated so I've got to keep going!;)

What projects do you hope to get done this spring? I would love to hear what you're all up to these days.

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