Saturday, March 20, 2010

Animal Cracker Necklace

I got to watch Kyla one day this week and had a great time with her. Besides the usual routine of reading books and playing, I like to do something different with her every now and then. 

A while ago, I found a neat craft that we could do together. I knew she would love it. The most important thing you need is a bag of these...

I pulled them out and she immediately wanted to eat some. I gave her a few and then told her that we would be painting a few to make a necklace.

I found the idea in this book called Gifts to Make for your favorite grownup, by Kathy Ross. Using every day materials, a child (with some help from an adult) can make unique gifts for the important big people in their life. The book was a fun dollar store find several years ago.

I gathered a few acrylic paints and the two of us painted some animal crackers. The book suggests painting these with permanent markers then coating them with some white glue on the front and back sides. While Kyla napped, I coated them with some glossy acrylic coating that came in a can. I let them dry for over an hour outside because of the strong smell. 

Using a hot glue gun, I glued a paper clip to the back of each one. After Kyla woke up, I showed her how to tie on some yarn to make the necklaces. I explained to her that these were not for eating because the paint would make her sick. She repeated, make me sick, and I said, yes. It's important to let the little ones know this when you make projects with paint and the glossy coating.

We kept them simple, but I think you could also braid some different colored yarn before tying it onto the paper clip. She was really excited to wear this tiger necklace. We put a couple in a bag for her mom and sister. She could not wait to give it to them. I thought they came out pretty cute. The two that I made went into my treasure box for the kids at church. 

Wouldn't it be neat to make these after you teach a lesson on Noah's Ark...or  after a school lesson on a certain type of animal? The girls can make the necklaces and the boys could make magnets by gluing on a small round magnet to the back side.

The possibilities are endless with this craft. Let me know if you make them and what you did differently. I would love to hear your ideas! :)


  1. Theo, I am intrigued with the idea of your "treasure box for the kids at church." Have you already talked about that on this blog? Maybe I missed it. If not, could you please tell us about your treasure box?

  2. Hi Missy!:) I haven't written a post about the treasure box I have, but it's just a plain box that I've put kid stuff in that I've collected. It has simple crafts, Chick-fil-a kids' meal things, and other trinkets I've gotten for free. The church has one, but it needs to be cleaned out. You've given me an idea to post about it--what I include in it, what I won't put in it, how it works, etc. Thanks for the idea!:)


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