Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thank you, Pastor and Mrs. Kemper, part 2

After our time together in the auditorium, we headed downstairs to the fellowship hall for a nice lunch. Church members brought in side dishes, salads and breads, while the church provided the brisket, chips and salsa, and cakes. Q cooked the brisket in crock pots and it worked out very well. He did a super organizing this special event by putting the program together, recruiting help, running errands, and doing a lot of the work himself. What a special guy, eh?:)

The decorations were simple--vases filled with fresh flowers on the tables and two bulletin boards. One board had pictures of Pastor Kemper from his childhood all the way up to his many years of ministry. The other one was one I put together and it looked like this:

I've always enjoyed drawing on whiteboards or chalkboards with color. Mrs. Kemper really liked it, so I was encouraged. 

The tables were full of great food! Folks walked down on both sides as they filled their plates.

It was such a fun time of fellowship around the tables.

This is the big cake made with the Kemper's favorite flavor--German chocolate!:) There was a smaller carrot cake that was just as delicious. Q found a bakery in town called, Indulge, to make these awesome cakes. My main job was to cut the cakes; the first cut was hard because they seemed too pretty to tear apart!;) I hope I can make cakes as beautiful as this one some day. Just have to keep on practicing...

One thing that really stood out to me during the testimony time is that the Kemper's have been faithful. One day when they see the Lord, they will hear these words--

"Well done, thou good and faithful servant."  Matthew 25:21

Thank you, Pastor and Mrs. Kemper for serving the Lord faithfully for so many years. 

So, what's next? They will remain members at our church and continue to serve the Lord. As for my husband, he's already begun as head pastor...which makes me the pastor's wife! More thoughts on this and our first Sunday later. Stay tuned!


  1. Wow everything looks wonderful great food and fellowship thanks for sharing Blessings Heather ;)

  2. It turned out so wonderfully, so we're very thankful to the Lord for helping us get everything together.


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