Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thank you, Pastor and Mrs. Kemper, part 1

Today we gave our thanks to a very special couple. Pastor and Mrs. Kemper were honored for their years of ministry at First Baptist Church. Pastor Kemper has pastored the church for 43 years! That is such a testimony of faithfulness for us to follow.

You'll notice the first three pictures are different. I used my phone to take these pictures because our camera was set up to show a video of Dr. Sanders sharing a message to the Kemper's. Later in the program, I was able to sneak behind the stage and grab the camera for the rest of the day's events.

To begin the celebration, Q had the Kemper's sit in chairs up on the stage. It was a great way for them to see their family and friends as they shared their thanks to them.

Between testimonies, we sang a couple of their favorite hymns. 

Three of Pastor Kemper's kids shared testimonies and presented him with a gift. It was a picture of the church with a smaller picture inside of him at the pulpit. Pastor and Shirley both had spouses who died years ago and the Lord led them together fifteen years ago. Sitting in the pews were most of their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It was special for them for so many of their relatives to be there. 

Ann Aaberg, one of the oldest members, shared some neat things from her years at the church.

After a good time of sharing stories and testimonies, Margaret sang the special before the preaching time.

Jud Riley, a long-time friend of Pastor Kemper, gave the message. It was such an encouragement to all who were there. It was during this time that I had to sneak out to get ready for the second part of the celebration. 

Come back soon to hear about the fun we had downstairs!


  1. Looks like a wonderful tribute!Blessings Heather

  2. Yes, it really was. We were thankful that it went so well. Praise the Lord! :)


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