Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Kyla's Buttons

These past three days have been busy at the Johnson household. When you go from having no kids to adding an active two-year-old, your days are filled with adventure. Kyla's parents go to our church and we've been getting to know them since we've moved here. She arrived early in the morning each day and left in the afternoon. We did lots of stuff together, but one thing she really enjoyed were buttons....

Lots and lots of buttons!

We made this button necklace yesterday afternoon. We used white embroidery floss and put it through two holes in each button. She chose her colors and was so excited to wear this. In fact, she was wearing the necklace when she arrived today.

She kept playing with it all morning. Isn't she a cutie? I just love her big blue eyes!

While we were working on the necklace, I made her a set of button bobby pins. I used colors that matched yesterday's outfit--pink, yellow and orange. First, I wound pink ribbon around the top part of the pin and used hot glue to keep it in place. Then, I tied two strands of coordinating embroidery floss through two holes in each button. Finally, I glued the buttons on top. I tried putting them in her hair, but her "wigglyness" wouldn't allow me to. Oh well...

I showed her how to separate button colors into bowls yesterday, but instead, she decided to scatter them all over the floor. Today, I gave her two bowls and told her to just play with them--"no big messes, please." 

I had a great time with Kyla this week. I learned a lot! I know a little taste of how much time and energy mothers spend in taking care of their kids. It's a lot of work, but well worth it. I'm thankful for this job that came about, but more importantly for the time I was able to invest in helping Kyla and her family. It's more than a job; it's a ministry. I hope and pray that the Lord opens up more doors like this for me. And then someday, I pray that I can invest my time, talents and energy into my own children. We'll just wait and see.....


  1. What a blessing~ She is adorable. Looks like you are busy but in a wonderful way ~Thanks for sharing. I enjoy reading and seeing what the Lord is doing over here you guys have had some exciting changes recently!!
    Blessings Heather

  2. Thanks for your encouragement, Heather. It means a lot to me.:)


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