Thursday, November 5, 2009

D is for Daniel

Last night we resumed our Kids Bible Club after missing last week due to the snow storm. This week we did "D is for Daniel." 

Bible Time: I told the story of how Daniel was thrown into the den of lions. He continued to pray despite the law that said he couldn't. He remained courageous and steadfast in his love for God. To go along with the story, we learned Luke 18:1, "Men ought always to pray and not to faint."

Memory Verse Time: For a memory verse review game, we played the game where you hide something under a cup then move the three cups around the table. They had to keep their eyes on them to see where the sea creature toy was hidden. If they could say the verse, then they could guess where the toy was and keep it!

Craft time: We made these small magnet clocks as a reminder that "it's always time to pray!" I wrote that on one of the clock hands, and on the other was written the reference to the verse they learned. I prepped this craft by gluing a card stock circle shape onto a magnetic sheet and cutting around it. I did the same for the clock hands. I added another small magnet to the back of the hands for extra magnetic force. The kids decorated their clocks with markers. They enjoyed seeing where their clocks would stick. Here, it's shown sticking to a metal folding chair.

Snack time: Using rice cakes, peanut butter, shredded coconut, and chocolate chips, the kids made lion faces. Neither of them made it to look like a real lion, so I made one to show you all:

Isn't he cute? Oh, and he tasted great, too! Peanut butter and chocolate are a win-win combination!

Next week we'll learn about a man in the Bible whose name begins with the letter "E." Can you guess who he is? Hint: Think ravens.....


  1. Fun ideas. I'm sure they had a great time.

  2. Every week is full of fun and adventure. They are great kids.:)


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