Monday, June 22, 2009

Car and Motorcycle Show

Our church held its second annual Car and Motorcycle Show on Father's Day. After the evening service, everyone enjoyed eating hot dogs and ice cream sandwiches. Several cars and motorcycles were on display for all to see.

This 1970 Pontiac is a beauty! It has been shown in another car show in our area.

I love this red Impala, which belongs to Mr. Fowler, our school's band teacher.

But--I must say that this 1930 Ford truck was my absolute favorite! Gary Gerrard's grand kids loved riding in the back as he drove it around the parking lot. He says that there are only a few in the world like this one that are fully restored.

A couple of the kids got involved, too. One boy brought in a soapbox car, while E.J. displayed his mini bike. A few got to sit on it to see how it feels, but only one got to actually ride it around the parking lot. Okay, Pastor--this one's for you:

Yes, our very own pastor just had to ride the mini bike. We all had a good laugh, including E.J., (he's on the left wearing the plaid shirt) as we watched Pastor Redlin ride around the parking lot. It was a great way to end our car show.

What special thing does your church do on Father's Day? I would love to hear your ideas!:)


  1. Thats sounds like alot of fun & Fellowship
    ~Blessings Heather

  2. It was great! I thought it was such a neat idea for Father's Day.:)

  3. the red car is cool, my favorite

  4. Yes, the color red is so striking, isn't it?


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