Monday, June 22, 2009

Baby Bottle Campaign

Each year at Mother's Day, we start a baby bottle campaign for a wonderful ministry called the Alpha Center. They help pregnant women with counseling and baby supplies. They promote life and not pro-choice! I had looked into volunteering at the Alpha Center last fall, but all they needed at the time were nurses. Maybe someday I can be more of a part of the pro-life movement!

The center gives our church dozens of baby bottles to be filled with loose change. Any individual or family picks one up on Mother's Day and returns it on Father's Day. Ours is not filled yet, but they will accept this bottle any time of the year. It's encouraging to me that the money collected will go towards saving lives. We want these babies born and their mothers to love and care for them.

Do any of you have a ministry you support such as this one? If not, perhaps this post has encouraged you to look into doing something like this in your church. Get involved today!


  1. Thats a great idea thanks for the suggestion, I have been looking for things for our children's ministry to be able to get involved in. Right now the children made some blankets for the Linus project, and I am thinking of what the could do next. I will look and see what similar programs are in our area. Maybe we could fill in some wish list items.
    Blessings Heather

  2. I love that you all are making blankets for the Linus project. I have forgotten about that. Thanks for the idea. Let me know if you all decide to do the baby bottle campaign with the kids.


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