Friday, May 8, 2009

My Garden: Planting seeds in our garden

It's feeling a lot like spring around here--finally! March and April had so many cold, rainy and even snowy days, that it has been hard to know when to plant seeds outside. Q and I worked on our small back porch garden last night after dinner. 

We pulled weeds and took out most of the dead leaves and sticks laying around. We swept up the dirt on the concrete floor, too. 

Q did all the cutting of the dead parts of existing perennials. Here he is working on cutting down the rose bush. I can't wait to see the beautiful yellow roses that will bloom some time this summer. We had some vinca, wild flower and hummingbird mix seeds that we scattered where there were no plants. I'll have to show you pictures when those begin to grow.

Plants like this one have been blooming out there since last month. They are called grape hyacinth. Their periwinkle color is striking and I love it!

These gorgeous tiny white flowers have been blooming for a few weeks, too. They are called sweet woodruff.

Ahhh...the tomato plants! They are growing quite nicely. They are about 3-4 inches long now and are enjoying the sunshine every day. I've got them in 6 large pots right now. There are a handful of plants in each one. I've only lost a couple plants so far, so I've pulled them out so that the other ones will thrive. The next thing for me to do is to get some tomato cages and transplant the vibrant plants into a couple 5-gallon buckets that a friend recently gave to me. Things are looking so good right now and I can't wait to see how well they do throughout the summer.

Isn't the Lord good to give us so many wonderful things to enjoy? I'm loving my little garden!


  1. Fun Post! I worked outside in my gardens quite a bit today, and am also enjoying this glorious weather.

    Oh, and those purple flowers are grape hyacinths. That's something I just recently learned even after seeing them bloom every spring for the past 10 years we've been living here. =) I don't recognize the white flowers though.

  2. Hi Theo,
    I think you named the purple flower correctly and I took a look at the white one and I too don't know what it is. Your garden is coming along beautifully!!

  3. Thanks, ladies. I'm glad to know that I was right on the purple flower. Maybe I should continue doing research on the white one.:) Happy gardening!:)


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