Thursday, May 7, 2009

Flower hide and seek pillow

I had fun creating another hide and seek pillow--this time it's a flower shape. I've made close to a dozen of these already, most of which were given to nieces and nephews this past Christmas. I made this one for Jianna, who just turned 4 a couple days ago. Ever since she saw me with one in the toddler nursery, she's been asking me about it. I told her I would make one for her next birthday.

I first made a pattern from card stock, then traced it onto fleece. I cut out two pieces using pinking shears. I decorated the pillow with fabric paint. On the back side, I put her initials on the bottom corner. The window is made from clear vinyl. I've learned that the trick to sewing it on is to put a piece of tissue paper underneath it as you top stitch on the machine. After stitching around most of the two main pieces, I filled it with bean bag pellets. I chose 25 tiny objects (mainly buttons) and put those inside, too. I then stitched the opening and it was done!
I made this tag and hand stitched it onto the corner of the pillow. It lists all the things that are hidden inside. I chose letter cubes that spelled her name and drew a picture of them (colors and all) on the back side of the tag so that she knows what to look for.

I just had to show you this picture of some of the buttons that I use for these pillows. My husband found a button shank for me one day while we were at the fabric store, so I've been using that ever since to make these buttons flat. The letters and numbers were part of a huge "grab bag" full of buttons and plastic decorations that can also be used for scrap booking. All the kids that I've given these to have loved this gift. Their parents love it as well--it is a great quiet activity for trips in the car or when visiting the doctor's office. 


  1. Wow this is super cute I have some neices that would love this. Aghhh I will need to find some time to make a few of these ~Blessings

  2. so glad you like it.: They are so easy and quick to make. I saw some at a store once, so I got inspired! They charge so much for one of those; I can make mine for at least a third of the price!

  3. Very charming and creative Theo, love it!!

  4. Thanks, Christina. They are fun to make--but even more fun, is to see kids enjoying them.:) It makes me smile....

  5. I lOVE this idea and tried to make it but I am having trouble sewing the vinyl window piece onto the fabric. It won't go through the machine. It doesn't seem to Feed through. What gauge vinyl did you use?

  6. Hi Carey! I'm not sure what kind of vinyl I got, but what helps is if you put some tissue paper (the kind you use for gift wrapping) underneath the vinyl when you sew it onto the fabric. When you're done stitching, just tear away the paper. Also, use regular-sized stitches. When they're too small, they will break the vinyl. Hope this helps. Happy sewing!:)


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