Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm home from my surgery:)

Hi everyone!  I tried posting a quick note on Monday to let you all know that I was heading to the hospital on Tuesday for my long-awaited surgery. (something was just not working on our computer, so I'm writing now the after surgery post.) We found out that there was a possibility that I would be going home the same day if everything went well. We were shocked to hear that. And--praise the Lord--the surgery was laproscopic and I came home last night.  I've given some detail under my health posts if you want to a little more detail now.  I'll probably share more in my next post and let you know how I'm recovering and what God's been teaching me.  I just wanted to let you know the good news of having a great outcome to the surgery and that I'm healing well.  I'm in some pain, but I am walking around to help the healing. I'm resting, sleeping and reading a lot.  My husband and mom are making sure that I'm eating what I can and that I'm taking my meds.  The Lord has been so good to me throughout this entire time.  Thanks for all your prayers--I appreciate it.:)

By the way, I just had to show you my puppy dog that I received during my last surgery and hospital stay.  He reminds me that God is constantly taking care of me during hard, physical times. And as we say that a dog is man's best friend, we can remember that God is our best friend, but He's the best one to have because He loves us perfectly and watches over us. 

I'll keep you updated on everything.  In the meantime, I've got some ideas for my next posts that I hope to be helpful.  I'll share those things until I can stay awake and move around more to continue helping in ministry, crafting and taking care of my home.  Now, is the time to rest.

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