Monday, March 23, 2009

Family photo holder

When I found out that Mom was going to come out for my surgery, I thought I'd make something to give her as a thank you gift.  (She is getting ready to leave CA as I write this.)  I bought this wooden family sign at the dollar store and came up with the idea to make it into a photo holder.

Decorating this was really easy to do.  I just used craft paint to paint a few coats on before painting green vines all over the letters.  I  sand papered the letters to make it look like it was weathered a bit.  I think it worked out pretty well.

To give you an idea on what it's going to look like after Mom puts her own photos in, I took a few of mine and clipped them on the paper clips.

I used large paper clips that I already had on hand to glue on the back of three of the letters. Hot glue was used to secure the clips on. 

I can't wait to see Mom's face when she opens up this gift.  By the way, the jewelry I made at the jewelry-making party last week with the teen girls is for her, too. I will have to show a picture of her wearing the necklace some time while she's here.

Thanks Mom for all the prayers you've given on my behalf and for the help that you're going to be to us as I recover from surgery this week.  We love you!


  1. My mom came for my surgery too. It's so nice to have your mom on hand to help with recovery. No matter how old we are, we still want our moms to fix our boo boos.

  2. SO. Cute.

    (Sorry I've not been around your blog lately! =/ I realized recently my blog feed is not updating you at all... It's showing you last updated 4 weeks ago for some odd reason...)

  3. I love this idea in how to show favorite photos! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Thanks for the note on my blog and the links to your projects! I'll post about this one soon! :)


  5. Great, Heather. Thanks so much.:)


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