Monday, February 2, 2009

His mercies are new every morning

The Lord has reminded of the verses in the Bible that say, 

"It is of the Lord's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not.  They are new every morning:  great is thy faithfulness."  Lamentations 3:22-23

Every day when I wake up and open the curtains, I'm reminded that today is a brand new day that I can serve God with. Each day is a gift and we must use it to the fullest.  God's mercies toward us are new each day. He is faithful to forgive our sins, show compassion and continues to love us with His everlasting love. Sometimes I get discouraged with sin and failures and think that God can't use me. But I know this isn't true. God continually shows us His grace and mercy, and uses us just as we are.

Isn't that a wonderful promise?


  1. The curtains are beautiful! I would love to learn how to make them someday.

    Mrs. Johnson, I hope you don't mind but I linked to your blog from my sewing blog. I think a few of my blog readers would be inspired as I am by it!

    Blessings on your day,
    Cheri (Leah's sister)

  2. Thank YOU Mrs. Johnson for your comments. :-) I'd love to get together with you sometime for coffee or lunch!

    The curtains are lovely.. and I love your thoughts that you shared! We serve an amazing God..


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