Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A sweet little invitation

Every year, our youth group has a week when each youth sponsor puts on an activity for their prayer group.  The first year we did this, I had the 9th and 10th grade girls.  We had a blast decorating 4-inch double-layer cakes.  We wrapped them up in cellophane, then gave them to some of our elderly women in our church.

Last year, I had the 7th and 8th grade girls and I invited them to come over to our place to decorate t-shirts.  They had different options, but the one that they all wanted to do was applique.  About a week before the activity, I stitched up these miniature t-shirts and placed a paper invitation inside.  I used different scrap fabrics to make these teeny t-shirt pockets that literally fit in the palm of your hand.  I thought it was a neat way to invite the girls over for some fun with their tees.

I enjoyed doing both activities, but I'm thinking of doing something different this year--perhaps jewelry making!  I have a friend who is great at this sort of thing that has already offered to help me do a teen girls' activity.  I'll have to work on it soon, as the early spring will be here before we know it.


  1. I think that's a darling invitation idea.... It could easily be adapted for a wedding or baby shower invitation... or any number of things. Thanks for the idea! :)

  2. I had thought of a onesie, but the apron idea is terrific!!! Might have to steal that sometime... ;)


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