Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The King's Heart is in the hand of the Lord

While I watched President Obama take office, I had a few thoughts whirling in my head.  The first one went back to Election Day, when many Christians were disappointed at the outcome.  I can honestly say that I was disappointed like many other believers, but not completely shocked. Our nation, once founded upon godly principles, is lacking in morality and values.

My other thought went to the unheard voices of the unborn.  Many say that our new President is the most pro-choice president we've ever had.  It is hard for me to fathom that so many think that a little baby at just a few weeks gestation is not human at all.

In summary of my thoughts this morning, the Lord gave me this verse:

"The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord, as the rivers of water: he turneth it whithersoever he will."  Proverbs 21:1

God knew who would be sworn into office today, as He has directed other leaders in the past. God is the author of history and there are no surprises with Him.  I've remembered that He is in control and that He can and does change hearts.  I have vowed to pray for our new President and his cabinet.  Will you join me in upholding our new leaders in prayer? 

And, speaking of the unborn, I've got a couple links for you to check out if you're interested in learning and being a part of the pro-life movement.  Bethany, at "Happy to be called Mommy" has posted a link to get a free pro-life handbook.  Check out her blog and sign up to get one.

This week is also "pro-life" week at Focus on the Family.  You can go to whitsend.org to listen to their broadcasts this week.  The one I've been listening to these last two days is called, "Defeating the Darkness of Abortion" (parts 1 and 2).

Keep praying for the King's heart and trust in our Almighty God.


  1. A very good post! Thank you for your encouraging words. :)

  2. I was pretty saddened by the inauguration yesterday. It seemed to me that it became more of a civil rights event than the inauguration of the president. It is true that even in the midst of our disappointment, we must be in prayer. God is sovereign.

  3. Hi Theo, I 100% agree with you on what you shared today! Great work in writing!
    p.s. if ever you have time I like your ad on pro life on your blog, would you help me in making it a ad on my blog, thanks so much Theo!


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