Friday, January 20, 2012

A gift from God

I love the verse in Ephesians 3:20 that says that God is able to do exceedingly and abundantly above all that we ask or think. He has done something so wonderful in an area of my life that I have been wanting to share with you.

Many of you know from reading my blog or knowing me personally that becoming a mother has been a huge desire of mine. After losing a couple of babies, I wondered if I'd ever hear a child call me Mom. make a long story short, over the holidays we found out that Little S will become a permanent member of our family. We are sooo excited about this news! When she first came, we did not know how long she would be with us as she was an emergency placement. After spending one night with us, a judge sent her back home. But later that day, was placed back with us after a social services worker noticed more things in her home that were not safe. Even in that, I know God was working on Little S's story. She was meant to be with us for good. We have fallen in love with this beautiful curly-topped girl. She was not born from my womb, but I feel like it sometimes. Our hearts are knit together as one.;)

We have so much to learn as we begin the process of adopting her, but we know that God will continue to help us through each step. Many of you have been praying, so I thank you so much for doing so.

As a way to celebrate, I got a new charm for my bracelet--her birthstone!

We will keep you posted on our adoption journey. Please continue to keep us in your prayers. Perhaps I will be able to share a picture when it is all said and done.

And by the way, she calls me "Mama."


  1. I am so glad! She is blessed to have you for her mom!

  2. What a blessing to hear this answer to prayer! The Lord is so good...I'm so grateful He has done this thing for you - growing your family & satisfying a desire of your heart.

  3. Congratulations on being able to adopt your little girl!

    I found your blog by way of Valerie Write Now and am subscribing to your RSS Feed. Looking forward to reading more!

  4. Praise the Lord! Congratulations on pending adoption of your little girl!

  5. Praise the Lord and so exciting! If there is anything that you need help on in way of questions regarding the adoption process, please don't hesitate to ask us! Adoption has blessed our home so much!


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