Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Life as "mom"

Blogging has been on my mind a bit, but not as much as the two precious girls God has entrusted us to take care of right now. Life as their mom has been busy, joyous and even hard at times, but God has given us the grace and strength to get through each day.

So, in the last five weeks that I have not blogged, much has happened. The girls are getting bigger and learning new things. Little S turned one and she is now a running, babbling and "little miss trouble" (probably should spell that with all caps!) thirteen-month old. Our eldest, A, is loving school and her teacher so much. Her enthusiasm for learning is contagious. Q has had another birthday; A and I have done a couple of fun projects, and lots of thoughts have been going through my head that I'd like to share with all of you.

I've also begun singing with the Longmont Chorale again and I've begun a new thing--I joined M.O.P.S. today. I love it! I know it will be a great source of encouragement for me during this time being a mom to two little ones.

As the routine of fall has settled in with a new Kindergartner and adjustments are being made to the higher energy levels of a toddler, I am going to do my best to begin blogging again--beginning with those few things that have happened recently. It may not be every day, or even every week, but I'll still keep plugging along sharing the latest projects, family news and thoughts that God gives me.

I just don't want to lose sight of my priorities which include my time with the Lord and my family and ministry. I love being a help and encouragement to others through this blog, but sometimes things come up, and I have to take a break.

Hope you all are doing well--I'd love to hear from you, so leave me a comment and share what's been new with you.

More things to come soon....

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