Saturday, July 30, 2011

Praises from Vacation Bible School

We had a busy week with Vacation Bible School. Like last year, we had Tim Tutton bring his Video Bus each day and teach the lessons and songs, do fun tricks, and show the videos. Every aspect of the program reinforced the truth of the Gospel. The children knew each day that God loves them and that He sent His only son to die for their sins.

Here are the praises of the week, for which we are thankful to the Lord for:

1. God gave strength each day to Mr. Tutton as he shared God's Word.
2. Two teen boys accepted Christ as their Savior.
3. The Gospel seed was planted in many hearts.
4. We had a high of 25 children on the bus (Wednesday).
5. Along with Q and I, another worker, Pat, came to help with the kids.
6. Lots of cookies were donated from members of the church.
7. Families were impacted for Christ as their children told them about what they heard on the bus.

How was your Vacation Bible School this year? I'd love to hear what God did for you.:)

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