Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family reunion t-shirts

Last year, Quentin came up with a great idea for all the kids on his side of the family. He found several t-shirts on clearance at Wal-mart for me to do something with, so that they could all wear them during the reunion. Honestly, I wasn't sure what I was going to do until right before the trip. With Q's help, it all came together. We also didn't know how many children we would have in the home either, so I had to later buy t-shirts for A and Little S.

Here are a few of the shirts, beginning with Little S....

The phrase on the shirts, "I'm related to Dell Johnson" was all Q's idea. Dell is his dad, aka "Grandpa." Each shirt had an iron-on number on it, indicating their age.

This next one is Carson's, who is two years old:

I used Crayola's fabric markers to do all the writing. Each shirt had a different color on it. There are three girls, so all of them wore pink t-shirts. The boys' shirts were either white or gray, and they were all muscle shirts. There are seven kids all together, ranging from ten months to nine years old.

Here's A's t-shirt...(I picked hers up for a buck at the Dollar Tree--not bad, huh?)

This is Canon's shirt....

On the back of each shirt I wrote, "Johnson Family Reunion, 2011."

The kids all wore their shirts to a special dinner out. We received several compliments on them, too. My brother-in-law took several group pictures of the kids, but unfortunately, I'm not able to share them at this time to protect our foster daughters. Maybe some day....

So there you have it--a fun, inexpensive idea to do for your next family gathering.:)

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