Tuesday, June 14, 2011

A's Fairy Birthday Party: the activities

When Q and I first started talking about A's birthday party, we wanted to keep it simple and fun. We wanted just a few friends over and have the traditional party elements--the cake, presents, and games.

For the activities/games, we chose a few things that the kids could enjoy doing inside and outside (especially if it rained). When our young guests arrived, A told them what they could do before we enjoyed the cake. Here's what we set out (not all of the activities were done, but at least we were prepared:):

Inside activities:

** Color Tinkerbell pictures with colored pencils. Choose stickers to go with the pictures. (These came from a big Tinkerbell coloring book, so we tore out a few pages and set them on a small table in the living room.)

**Play the "Pretty princess" game (up to four players). This was also set on the table. I'm sure you can set up any simple game and the kids will have a blast.:)

Outside activities:

**sidewalk chalk

**bubbles (I found Tinkerbell bubble/wand sets at the Dollar Tree.)

**jump rope


**look at the chickens--this was not planned, but the kids and adults loved taking a look at our fabulous foursome.

After A opened her presents, we did one last outside activity--the pinata! We bought the biggest pinata we've ever seen at a small grocery store at the end of our block. The girls took turns hitting Tinkerbell (with and without a blindfold) but it was so hard to break her open. After Q and I gave it a few hits, candy and trinkets started coming out. It was so much fun for all!

One of the moms commented how nice the girls were when going after the stuff (remember the days when everyone jumped in and fought over the candy and someone always ended up hurt?). Not this little bunch of sweet girls.....

A's party was so much fun and I know she will remember it for years to come. Hope you all enjoyed hearing about what we did, and perhaps gave you an idea or two to use in the future.:)

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