Friday, May 20, 2011

Scripture for kids to memorize

I was excited to see a post at Katey's blog, Having Fun at Home. She shares a list of Scripture passages that have word pictures in them, which are easy for kids to memorize. (To find the post, go to her blog archive for April of this year, and you'll find it easily. I tried linking to it first, but was unable to do so).

I really like her list; here are a few of them:

Psalm 23--The Lord is my Shepherd; He leads me beside the still waters...

Ephesians 6--The armor of God is described.

Hebrews 4:12--God's Word is a sharp sword.

Psalm 51:10--Create in me a clean heart.

John 8:12--Jesus is the light of the world.

I've been thinking about beginning this list with A during our breakfast or lunch time. As she has become more knowledgeable about the Bible through our teachings at home and church, I think she is more ready to do this. The time she is with us is so valuable. We know that if she does leave us, than the things that have been taught will stay with her, including God's Word.

Check out that post today. I hope that it will be a help for you to teach your children, grandchildren, and even the children you work with at church and/or school.

"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path." Psalm 119:105

(This is another verse to put on your list(if it isn't on Katey's already--can't remember!:). It was one of the first verses I remember learning as a child because it was posted on my Christian school's hallway. It has stuck with me all of these years....)

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