Saturday, May 14, 2011

My birthday

I had a great time celebrating my birthday this week with my little family--Q and A. They kept everything a secret, so it was fun anticipating what was next. First, they took me to The Egg and I, one of my all-time favorite restaurants that we don't go to very often. It is becoming a birthday tradition for me.

Next, they took me to the Crocs store in Boulder to pick out a new pair of shoes. With all of their new styles, I was excited to see what I could get. I chose a pair of their wrapped Mary Janes. They are so comfy and cute!

Then, we went to Ben and Jerry's for some ice cream. Of course, it was chocolate, but I also tried a sampling of a flavor called, Late Night Snack. You have to try it because it is so different. If you like sweet and salty combos, this ice cream is for you. I don't know if I'd try it again as the chocolate-covered potato chips left a weird after taste in my mouth!;)

We also went to a bookstore and had fun looking at so many books. I was glad that they were able to take me out a little early on my birthday. Fridays are busy because I take A to her biological family visits an hour away. But, I managed to still enjoy my birthday yesterday by doing a few fun things by myself, and later with A.

I had lunch with Q at Noodles and Company, another favorite spot. Then during my alone time, I went to Starbuck's for my free birthday drink!

I know the color looks weird, but trust me, it is good. It's a green tea frap with a shot of raspberry--yum!

After A's visit, I picked her up and headed to Johnson's Corner for dinner and dessert.

Because it was an early dinner, we weren't too hungry. We did manage to eat part of a burger, a few fries and onion rings.

I usually don't eat onion rings, so I told A I was going to try one. She said I should dip it in ketchup, so I did. It wasn't too bad. I thought it would make a great picture, so I held my onion ring in front of the camera. As I did, she held hers up. After taking the photo she said, "My onion ring smiled." (Do you see it smiling, too?) :)

I told Q before our fun outing that I thought it would be neat if our waitress could put a birthday candle on a cinnamon roll for me. He said it would be hilarious, so I knew I had to ask. Sure enough, the waitress said, "Ya, we've done that before." Before long, several of the employees came out with my birthday roll and sang to me. It was so funny!

You've gotta see a close up of these "world-famous" cinnamon rolls.....

We ate a few bites, and packed the rest up (along with the rest of our meal and a roll for Q). We knew we could enjoy this scrumptious roll the next day, too.

After all that eating out, I feel like I gained a few pounds. But it's okay, cuz' birthdays come once a year, and this one was a good one to remember. :)


  1. Happy birthday, Theo! That cinnamon roll looks divine :-)

  2. That cinnamon roll looks worth every bite!

  3. Happy Birthday! Looks like a special day!


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