Thursday, May 5, 2011

Gardening story time

My story time for last month was so much fun. It was neat to read stories and do activities about gardening. Here's what I did...

After singing our "Hello Time" song, I pulled out a puppet that starts off as a caterpillar and ends up as a butterfly (you just turn it inside-out!:). I read the following poem while I held my cute critter:

Little Caterpillar

There was a little caterpillar crawling all about
He worked and he worked without a doubt,
Wrapping himself in a snug cocoon.
Waiting and waiting, will it be soon?
Look, he's coming out, my oh my!
For now he's become a beautiful butterfly.

The first book I read was called Tops and Bottoms, by Janet Stevens. It is a humorous story with a great lesson: "If you want to eat, you've got to work." It's also a Biblical principal to teach to kids. We shared it with A after we read this same book to her.

The next thing I did was share another poem called, "The Rain."

The Rain

Pitter-patter, raindrops,
Falling from the sky;
Here is my umbrella,
To keep me safe and dry.
When the rain is over,
And the sun begins to glow,
Little flowers start to bud,
And grow and grow and grow!

The next book I read was called, Growing Vegetable Soup, by Lois Ehlert. The story begins with a family planting the seeds, then harvesting it, then finally, putting all of the vegetables in a pot to make soup.

I made a game called Veggie Soup Letter Match. Using some felt and letter stickers, this activity was easy to put together. The kids had to match a lowercase letter to its uppercase letter. When they figured it out, they placed the veggies in a pot. When we were all done, I had a few kids take turns stirring our vegetable soup.

The last book I read was called, The Carrot Seed, by Ruth Krauss. We all enjoyed this classic story of a boy who believed his carrot seed could really grow when others around him didn't think so.

The librarians had a pot with a fabric carrot inside. It was covered with a piece of brown cloth to represent soil. They let me use this to retell the story with the kids. I used a real carrot seed and let them see that up close, too.

At the end of the story time, we sang "The Good-bye" song together. We had a ton of fun and can't wait until this month's story time, which I'm currently working on.

Stay tuned for our final story time of the year. You won't want to miss this one! :)

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