Monday, April 25, 2011

Our Easter Sunday

Our Easter Sunday began early in the morning. We needed to get ready for the "Sonrise" service, but first, I had something fun planned for A. I woke her up and showed her the Easter Garden we had put together the previous week.

The stone was rolled away and a sign said, "He is Risen!" Then, I pointed to an empty Easter basket and a note beside it. It told her that she had to read clues to get some things and at the end of it, there was the best treasure of all. It was fun to watch her run around the house collecting things to fill her basket. Finally, she found the last item....

Now she has her very own Bible (and it had to be pink--her favorite color!) I signed the inside of it with our names and put the date in there as well. She loved taking it with her to church and showing everyone there.

We had our early service at an area park. We sang songs and read Scripture together, all focusing on Christ's death and resurrection.

After that early service, we went back to church to enjoy a breakfast together. A and I cooked and dyed these eggs the day before. She even made a "Happy Easter" sign and it looked great. However, I need to work on making hard-boiled eggs better, as quite a few of them were a bit too soft. Oh least they looked pretty.:)

The breakfast was followed by Sunday School and another service. It was a great time of celebrating together the real meaning of Easter.

Since we had a couple of services in the morning, the evening service was cancelled. So, we just made the rest of the day a family time for us. We went to Red Lobster for lunch, then went on a hike.

It was a beautiful day enjoying God's creation. When we arrived back home, we had a nice dinner and played a game of Uno together.

How was your Easter? Hope you enjoyed a time of remembering what Christ did so long ago. Let's be thankful now and always...

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