Thursday, January 6, 2011

Baby Feet

It has been an exciting and busy week in the Johnson household. I'll share the story with you, but you can probably already guess what it's about from the title of my post. ;)

On Sunday night, I drove home by myself from Fort Collins. I was at our last church to be a part of a musical concert. About two-thirds of the way home, Q called me and asked where I was and I told him that I was just about to call him. He said, "Are you ready for this?" He then explained that the agency had just called and asked if we could take in two brothers. Little brother is two months old and Big brother is twenty-one months. It was an emergency placement. He said "yes" and soon the boys were on their way.

As soon as I got home, Q and I went to Wal-mart to get some basic needs for them. All we knew is that they were coming with some clothes, diapers, bottles and formula. So we bought a pack-n-play, foldable high chair, toddler snacks, among some other little things. I got to pick out some pj's for Big brother as we heard there were none in his bag.

We arrived home and ten minutes later, the boys arrived. They were both asleep as it was late. I got a peek at the baby and immediately fell in love. We tended to his needs, then the toddler woke up. He was confused, but we worked with him gradually to get him used to our home. Since he was asleep for some time, it took a while for him to get back to sleep. It was a late night for all of us, especially since both kids kept waking up during the night.

These last few days have been fun with these little guys. They continually are a joy and they make us laugh all the time. We're beginning to work on routines and we're all getting more sleep.:) We don't know what God has planned for us in the days ahead, as parental rights have not been terminated. If they do, then we can begin the process to adopt. There is a chance that in a short time, they will leave us, but we pray that God will allow us to adopt them and make them a part of our family. Will you pray with us about this?

We're grateful for the donations we received from several people...a crib, carseats, clothes, toys, diapers and other necessities for the boys. We continue to see God work in this situation.

Because of their unique situation, I won't be posting pictures until (or if) we adopt them. But, I couldn't resist to take this picture of baby's feet for you all to see....

Aren't they adorable? I'm so glad God is giving us the opportunity to love and make a difference in these lives that are now a part of us.

I still have some things that I made for Christmas that I'd like to show you, but as you can see, we are pretty occupied at the moment. I will post when I have the time and keep you updated on the boys. Thanks for praying!:)


  1. Oh wow! I will be praying for you! And yes, those feet are super cute!

  2. We are THRILLED for you! Those feet are adorable!

  3. Praying for you guys and so very excited for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Praise the Lord!! Shannon and I were on the phone last Tuesday, and she told me... I am thoroughly thrilled and excited for you!! :)


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