Thursday, December 30, 2010

Winter has finally arrived!

While many of you have already experienced some snow (or LOTS if you live on the east coast), we've barely had any at all...just some flurries earlier this season. It is so dry in Colorado, and we desperately need the moisture. We have seen some on the mountains, but we haven't had any come and stay in our neck of the woods. It is also such a beautiful part of winter, so I've been wanting to see it.

Well, when I got up this morning, this is what I saw:

And by late afternoon, this is what the same location (right outside our front door) looked like....

There's lots of white stuff out there and it is gorgeous! Isn't God good to give us beautiful things to enjoy? While I watched the snow fall, I took down the Christmas decorations and rearranged the snowmen figurines. It was a fun project to do inside where it was nice and warm.;)

How are you enjoying the winter season? Enjoy God's beauty--and stay warm while you're at it!

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