Thursday, December 16, 2010

Uncle Neil's Christmas card

Christmas cards have been arriving for several days now, while I'm still trying to finish up ours (oh well....they should be done in a day or so)! One particular card that we receive each year comes from Q's Uncle Neil. He draws a country scene, has it copied, and then mails out his creation to friends and family. He has been doing this for about ten years, blessing others with his gift.

What impresses me so much is the spirit in which he does this. You see, Uncle Neil and most of his siblings (including my mother-in-law) acquired polio as children and teens. They had to learn how to deal with the affects of the disease through out life.

I met Uncle Neil a couple of years ago in Wisconsin. He lives in a nursing home and manages to keep busy tending to a garden and drawing. He has an incredible spirit about him that is contagious. I'm so glad I had the opportunity to get to know him a bit.

Here is his card that we recently got in the mail. Isn't it just great?

Thank you, Uncle Neil for your beautiful creations. We are encouraged by your wonderful spirit. Keep on keeping on!

1 comment:

  1. Mom and I are looking at your blog. How cool you blogged about Uncle Neal's cards!


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