Thursday, December 2, 2010

In heaven...

Yesterday afternoon, I received an email from a friend letting me know that a long-time friend of ours was going through a tough time. His wife, Tiffany, was in the hospital battling an infection as a result of her cystic fibrosis. I received a link to her blog and read the update. It didn't look good, but David was encouraged to keep hoping in God and that everyone should do the same.

I just read his latest post and he had great news...Tiffany is no longer suffering, because she is now in Heaven with the Lord. She took her last breath late last night in the presence of family members.

My heart is sad for my friend, David. But I am also rejoicing because of where Tiffany is today. Because she accepted the Lord as her personal Savior, she is now in Heaven. She will be there for all eternity. Tiffany had a sweet spirit and awesome testimony for God. Even though I didn't know her that well, she was always an encouragement to me in ministry. She was an accomplished pianist who used her amazing talent for the Lord. She was also a great helpmeet to her husband in ministry.

Check out Tiffany's blog and read some of her posts. Your heart will be blessed as you read of one who gave her life completely to the Lord. Also, be in prayer for the Brock family and for the memorial service on Sunday. Tiffany would have turned 35 on that day.

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