Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Church Christmas Celebration: food and fun!

Now that you've seen all of the decorations for our Christmas party, I thought I'd share a bit about the fun we had that night....

The table was filled with side dishes and desserts. Q provided the meat--sliced ham and turkey. Of course, there was so much food, but we enjoyed it all, especially the scrumptious desserts.

After singing some carols, we played some games. The first one was a news trivia game. Q had three of the members come up to the stage area. He asked questions about world events that happened this year. After a few rounds, Janis came out the winner. She won a two-jar pack of Nutella--yum! We also played a Christmas trivia game which involved the people at the table you were sitting at.

Then came the game that got everyone laughing and having a good time. We had to make a nativity out of playdoh. The more realistic, creative and characters we had, the more points we scored.

My team got second place with this creation. We had Mary, Joseph, Jesus, an angel, shepherd and a couple of animals. I thought it looked so cute!

On my team were Frankie and Sophia. I really like this picture of them, so I had to include it here. I'm glad they are a part of our church. They're such great kids, too.

At the end of our time together, we sang a couple more carols. Then, Q gave a short devotional, making us contemplate the real meaning of Christmas even more.

Well, that's all with our Christmas party! Hope you are rejoicing on the birth of our Savior in your corner of the world.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing these ideas! I loved the play dough nativity!


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