Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Blessings

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving yesterday. Today might have been a day of relaxation before you start your Christmas shopping...or perhaps you woke up before the sun came up to hit those BIG sales! Well, I did my tradition of putting out the Christmas decorations. I also did some cleaning and some shopping (but not for Christmas...I'm working on making gifts right now).

I wanted to share some blessings with you that have happened these last few days. The Lord is good and I want to praise Him for all that He is doing in our lives.

Yesterday, we spent the afternoon with friends in Fort Collins. We had a wonderful lunch and enjoyed each other's company. Tim and Allison and their two small children were fun to be with. A while back, Allison told me that she would like to give me some kids' clothes and baby items. She also had a crib that we can take to the store to get some cash back (because it was recalled). We also have a mattress that will work for either a crib or toddler bed. We're so excited as we're building up our supplies for the kid(s) God will give us in the near future through foster-adoption.

Lastly, I have an update with the missing camera--it's still missing, but we ordered a new one that should be here any day now. The Lord sent someone our way who knew about the missing camera and gave us some money that will cover most of the cost of the new camera. It was such an unexpected blessing! So, hopefully soon, I'll be able to take some pictures of things I'm working on to share with all of you.

Has God been doing some unexpected things in your life lately? I would love to hear about them. Let's continually give God praise for all that He does each and every day of our lives.

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