Saturday, November 20, 2010

I had an exciting phone call last night!

It's been a bit more than twenty-four hours since I got an exciting call yesterday. In fact, it took me longer than usual to fall asleep last night because I was sooo hyped up! This is definitely something the Lord has orchestrated and I'm so thankful.

So, you want to hear about it?

A few weeks ago, I started practicing a couple of solos in the repertoire for the Chorale's Christmas concert. Recently, the director began holding auditions for the different solos available. There were several openings, for both men and women. At the first audition available, I waited with several others after practice to try out for two solos from John Rutter's Magnificat. One of them was especially challenging, so that's why I decided to try out for the other one.

Since the last auditions were this past Monday, I wondered when any of us would find out. I even emailed a new friend about it, asking her if she knew anything. In a couple of notes, she told me that she just knew I got the harder song--which is the most gorgeous one you've ever heard. I heard a teen girl sing it right before practice this past week, and I just knew I had no chance of getting it. She had an incredible voice and I would be glad for her if she got it. God has given me many opportunities to serve Him with my voice, so I gave up the idea that I got any of the solos I tried out for.

Then last night, I pulled out some music and started practicing. I sing tomorrow morning in church so I wanted to be ready for that. Then I started singing the harder song I tried out for called, "Et misericordia" (if you want to hear it, you can go to YouTube and google it). A few minutes later, the phone rang. It was the director. He said, "You got the song that everyone wanted...including the altos and basses who can't sing it (because of it's high range). I'd like you to do 'Et misericordia.' I liked how you sang it, especially at the end." The ending of the song ends in a high A but has to be soft and not loud--a very hard thing to do (I don't think I've got it all of the time, but I'm working on it!).

I couldn't believe it--and I told him that, too. I thought that I actually sang the other one better, but he thought otherwise. Plus, after hearing someone else sing it that I thought would have gotten it, I was surprised to even get the call. Praise the Lord! God is good to give this opportunity to me. The song is in Latin and is sung with the choir. The director wants me to be ready to sing it at each practice from here on out. He also wants me and the other gal who got the other solo to learn both songs in case one of us gets sick on the day of the concert.

I'm thankful that God has graciously given this neat opportunity to me. I want to be a testimony to others through this. To God be the glory!


  1. Congratulations! What good news and a great opportunity for you! m.

  2. that is a sweet opportunity, i'd love to do something like that! praise God! and congratulations!

  3. At first I thought you were going to say that you got your camera back. :(

    ...I'm so excited for you! You do have such a lovely voice, and I know the Lord will greatly use you!

  4. What a blessing! I'm very excited for you. :)

  5. So I just went and listened to it and I have goosebumps!!!!!!! Beautiful!

  6. I hope you get a recording so I can hear it!


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