Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our garden: trying to save the tomatoes...

For a couple of weeks, we waited to hear some news about the weather. The weather has been so nice, but with our tomatoes still growing outside, we knew that frost would kill them. You may remember that these plants were the second round, as our first set didn't make it. We've been able to use a handful tomatoes, but the majority were still green and growing.

So, Q came up with a plan. A couple of days ago, he pulled all of our tomato plants because the cold was coming! He brought them into the kitchen so that I could pull all of the tomatoes off.

I probably pulled off about one hundred or so, all in different sizes. I placed the small ones (about 30-40) in a couple of bowls to use in recipes. I have to learn how to use green tomatoes, but I'll get it.:)

Q and I spent some time last night wrapping up the larger ones (about 60 or so) in newspaper. He had read somewhere that this will cause them to turn a bit red and would stay fresh until we were ready to use them.

Q also found a couple of peppers that made it, so he brought them in, too.

But still outside are a couple of melons who will no doubt die in the days ahead. This is also the second round as the first set didn't make it either.

We made it to the end of this season with some great food. We learned a lot from the failures and successes. Can't wait until next year...


  1. Yes, newspaper is great for tomatoes! We usually bring ours in and set them on newspaper on the floor in our garage... and it usually helps save same. ;)

  2. What's your secret for growing tomatoes in Colorado? This is our third garden here, and I still can't get more than 5 or 6 tomatoes out of an entire crop.

    Tomatillos work fine, but not tomatoes.

  3. I'm not sure what the secret is, but we use heirloom seeds and use good soil to grow them in. Perhaps you can do some research on it, and if I find anything more out, I'll let you know.:)


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