Thursday, October 14, 2010


A few weeks ago, I sat at my sewing machine and made a couple of pillowcase dresses for the first time. I actually used tea towels to make these beautifully embroidered size 3 dresses. I never thought I'd be making these with some hope in my heart.

I got so excited making something that perhaps our future daughter could wear. But, we also know that God can give us a boy, and we would be so excited with that, too! (And then of course, these dresses will be passed along...:)

Q and I can't wait to see what God is going to do in our lives through adoption--yes, that's our BIG news! We have been in the process for several months already. It took us some time to find the right agency and to get started, but we're on our way! We've already completed two days of training. We have learned so much already about foster-adoption.

As a college student, the Lord placed adoption on my heart. When I got married in my early thirties, I knew I wanted to have children right away, but God chose to have our two babies in Heaven with Him. He has given me renewed hope with adoption. There are so many children out there--children who were made beautifully by God that need parents who will love them and take care of them. We are so excited that God has us taking this journey--His ultimate BEST in our lives right now.

Please pray for us as we continue pressing forward in our training and that we would be patient as we wait for the children God has for us. Will keep you posted....


  1. Wow I feel so excited for you!! We will pray for you both as you wait on the Lord. Can't wait to see what He will do! Love the dresses. (-:

  2. What wonderful news, Theo! I think adoption is an excellent way for Christians to show the love of Christ. I will be praying for you guys!

  3. God's blessings to you! The love in your heart is so beautiful. One of my favorite bloggers has adopted several children, and if you don't read her blog already, I would recommend it. It's She and her husband are beautiful Christian examples of allowing God to lead them to unexpected places. She also has a great cookbook. I will be praying for you guys!

  4. Praise the Lord! What a thrill to hear the process is moving forward! I have been and will keep praying!

  5. So excited to see who God has for you!!! I'm thrilled the kids will be close enough to to know their cousin!

  6. Very exciting news!!!!! Praying for you. Keep us posted.


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