Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Scrabble tile sentiments

I saw a neat decorating idea when Q and I were at an antique store recently. One of the booths was selling Scrabble letter tiles and holders. They wrote out a phrase with them and put it with a few other table decorations. With a sale going on, I didn't think they cost too much, but one phrase and holder alone would have cost me a few dollars.

Well, a few days ago, I saw a Scrabble game at my favorite thrift store in town and it was only 25 cents! To decorate with these letters was going to be a steal compared to the antique store price. I just love a good deal, don't you?

Here are a few of the ones I have put around the house...(oh, and I still have lots of letters left!)

A simple "I love you" sits in front of our wedding picture.

I have this one on the window ledge above my kitchen sink. I don't know how many times it's already reminded me to pray about something or someone--so it's been a great thing!

I've placed this one next to a couple of ceramic pumpkins and a fall candle. I just love it!

Keep your eye out on a great deal on a Scrabble game...or you can use the one you've got hidden away in your closet if you're not currently playing it. Hope this gives you a fun and simple decorating idea for your home.


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