Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Video Bus

Last week we had an awesome Vacation Bible School. We teamed up with Tim Tutton who uses the video bus as a tool to present the Gospel to children. We found a nearby trailer park to host our vbs.

Mr. Tutton serves with Baptist Youth Mission. He brought along two teen boys to canvas the area and help us with the program all week. They even worked at the church doing yard work on one of the days.

When the kids first arrived, we signed them up on registration cards. They held onto these cards all night because if they made a decision for Christ, we would just write that down on the back of the card.

Mr. Tutton ran the program each night. He led in songs, games, gospel magic and a video. At the end, he preached a short Gospel invitation and asked the kids if they wanted to ask Jesus to be their Savior.

Q and I were able to teach the kids a verse from the Roman's Road each night.

The video bus team...Cody, Q, Tim, and Stephen. We praise the Lord for eleven salvation decisions! There were also 41 kids registered during the entire 4-day week. That's a lot of kids.:)

We're also thankful for the way God has opened the door for Q and I to return to the trailer park. The manager there is allowing us to hold after school Bible clubs. We're really excited to start this up. The video bus would be part of this program once a month, too. Pray with us as Q and I prepare and as we continue to reach more boys and girls for Christ.

To God be the glory, great things He has done!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Wow! Wow! PRAISE THE LORD! What a great answer to prayer!


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