Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The Longmont Chorale

All summer I had been waiting for the opportunity to try something new in the community--to join a chorale! I found out about the Longmont Chorale through searching the web. I started off by looking at something closer to home, but just couldn't find it. The rehearsal location in Longmont is about twenty-five minutes away and since it just requires my time once a week, I figured I could do this.

Well, last night was the first rehearsal of the season. I first visited a few months ago just to check it out and I was impressed. The Chorale is a non-audition group comprised of over 100 singers from all ages. They perform a few concerts during the year.

There is something else that caught my attention about the chorale....

The Longmont Singers!!!

Within the chorale is a smaller group comprised of about 25 singers. To get into this group you have to audition. I went to the audition after the regular rehearsal. All I had to do was sight read the Soprano 1 line for a few pages. I thought it was pretty easy. Now, it's the waiting game. As I don't know what spots are open, it's hard to tell if I'll get in this year, but I hope so. I should know within the next week and a half. (I will keep you posted, of course!) Besides singing an extra number or two at the concerts, this group also performs at nursing homes and local events. The pieces they do are more challenging, too, but I think this is right up my alley. If the Lord opens this up for me, I'll be excited to join.

I think getting involved like this is a neat way for me to meet people and be a testimony for Christ. I'd also like to keep strengthening my vocal skills as it will help me as I continue on in music ministry at our church.

Are any of you involved in a community group? I'd love to hear what you all are doing in your neighborhood.:)


  1. You're going to have a blast. Unfortunately, Ross' cooking class got cancelled but will for sure happen in October!

  2. I'll have to tell my brother and sister-in-law about these concerts!

  3. How interesting. I grew up in Longmont.


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