Sunday, August 8, 2010

Just a little prayer

As I mentioned earlier, we had Abigail and the kids with us for a few days. They were at the end of an almost four-week road trip to visit family all over the country.

After lunch on the first day, Abigail and I decided to go to the local thrift store. Sister Carmen's is full of bargains, so we ventured out to see what we could find. She scoured the bookshelves looking for kids' books while I looked at the clothing racks.

Then, we began looking at the toys. We saw a young girl playing with a big doll house. Abigail and I looked at each other and spoke quietly about taking a look at it. The girl's mother asked her if she wanted that doll house. She said she did, so we figured this item was out of our hands for good...or so we thought!

With a full cart, I paid for our items. Abigail had gone to another part of the store, then came back with something else she wanted to buy. I walked away to the front of the store as she waited in line.

A minute later, the lady who bought the doll house came back in complaining that a couple of nails that were sticking out tore the inside of her car. She wanted to return the doll house and get her money back. Abigail and I watched this scene unfold and couldn't believe it! We were able to get the doll house for only $6 and it held some unique pieces inside that were worth far more than that.

The neatest thing about this is that both she and I were praying silently that the lady would change her mind (before she bought it of course, but it still worked out at the end). Once we got the house into our hands, we shared with each other what we had prayed that this would happen. We were hoping that my niece, Annalina, would have this treasure. I know it's a little prayer, but it was answered and for that we are grateful.

Take a look at Annalina with her new toy...she was one happy girl!:)

The house has a few minor things to fix, like the shingles on the roof, but other than that it is in great shape! I heard from one of the store's volunteers that a grandfather had donated this item because he didn't have any grand daughters who could play with it.

She and her brothers got to play with it during the time they were here. Annalina got to set up the house as she liked it with some fun pieces.

This is the dining room, complete with a tiny doily someone made.

A bedroom included two beds, one for the parents and a crib for the baby--too cute!

The bathroom holds a real porcelain bathtub. We were so glad we found this for Annalina. I told her that I'd be on the look out for more furniture I could add to it. I'll also be making some wooden spool people for her, too. It will be neat to see how this will look when it's all fixed up.

What treasure have you found recently at a thrift store or yard sale? I'd love to hear about it!


  1. What a sweet story....And a beautiful doll house ~love Heather

  2. That was so fun. I love seeing God work even in the small things! That day will be a good memory!


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